161 reviews



Flat Rate

You’ve been wanting new blinds, fitness equipment or furniture and you finally made the purchase! Now you’re looking at it from across the room collecting dust in that beautiful brown box. We get it, working with tools and reading vague instructions has its challenges. This is why we offer flat rate assembly service in Los Angeles and Orange County region. Maybe its too heavy, maybe you don’t have the proper tools, maybe the instructions are confusing or maybe you just don’t have the time or simply don’t want to but we do.

We provide flat rate service for a variety of projects from hanging flat panel TVs to assembling household furniture and lawn equipment to treadmills and squat racks. For questions regarding or our assembly rates click the contact button below or in the navigation bar at the top of the page. In your inquiry please include any necessary details such as size, model number, brand or type and we’ll get back to you within the hour with our flat rate quote. As always, a look forward to being of service to you!